KateLynn Hinkelman
There are 153 iPads that have not updated. I pushed updates today.
KateLynn Hinkelman
We have identified the iPads that do not have enough storage to update. My team is working on getting those iPads updated.
Sandra Zoelzer
KateLynn Hinkelman Thanks for the update!
KateLynn Hinkelman
Roughly 70% of our iPads have been updated as of this morning.
KateLynn Hinkelman
Email sent to all.faculty
"The Tech department will push software updates to student iPads today at 1:00 PM. If not installed over Thanksgiving break, they will start automatically on the Monday after the break.
To manually install, go to Settings > General > Software Update > Download and Install."
First round of pushing the update has been sent to the iPads!
KateLynn Hinkelman
in progress
KateLynn Hinkelman
To prevent students from adding passcodes to apps we will need to follow these steps.
- Clear the passcode on all student iPads. The "clear passcode" command from Jamf keeps failing on my test devices. I have a help ticket with Jamf regarding this. If this continues to fail we will need to manually remove the passcode from the students that have one. I created an advanced user search to find all the student iPads with a passcode. There are about 30 students with one currently.
- Add the restriction "Modying Passcode" to the Student Restrictions Configuration Profile. Push the updated config to all student iPads.
KateLynn Hinkelman
One feature of iOS 18 is requiring app passcodes. We need to do internal testing to ensure students are not putting passcodes on applications.